Book details

160 Pages
Publication date: September 2023
Imprint: ecoWing
Alice Martin Lucia Schmidt

Take Care of Your Hair

The Most Important Facts About Growth, Health and Care

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Hair facts: The secret of beautiful hair

Our hair concerns us more than we realize—it is part of our personality and an expression of vitality. The pressure of suffering on a »bad hair day« or when problems such as hair loss occur is correspondingly great. The two authors and medical doctors Alice Martin and Lucia Schmidt take readers into the microcosm of our heads. They impart the necessary knowledge so that everyone can take optimal care of their own hair and its health.

Healthy to the tips of the hair: what really works for split ends, hair breakage and dandruff.

In their comprehensive guide, the authors not only explain how to get a grip on problems such as an itchy scalp using home remedies. They also go into detail about optimal hair care: combing or brushing—which is better? Shampoos, conditioners and hair rinses—which care products do I need and what is in them? Last but not least, the book includes recipes for healthy hair—because the right mix of nutrients, vitamins and minerals makes all the difference here, too!

The Hair Guide: Medical Knowledge and Practical Tips for Skin and Hair

Famous authors: Influencer and aspiring dermatologist Alice Martin with award winning health journalist Lucia Schmidt

»In their comprehensive guide, the authors not only explain how to get problems such as an itchy scalp under control with home remedies. They also go into detail about optimal hair care«
Deine Gesundheit

»The two authors and doctors have put together a handy guide on how the microcosm of the head works and what it needs to stay healthy.«
Carpe Diem



Sample Translation


Alice Martin

Dr. med. Alice Martin, born in 1991, is an influencer and co-founder of the online dermatology practice Dermanostic. Her blogs about skin & hair on various social media channels are clicked millions of times. In 2021, the much sought-after expert and interview partner was named a thought leader by Handelsblatt and the Boston Consulting Group. Alice Martin lives in Düsseldorf.

Lucia Schmidt

Dr. med. Lucia Schmidt, born in 1982, is a physician and editor responsible for the »Leib & Seele« (»Body & Soul«) pages in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung as well as the FAZ health podcast. She has been awarded several media prizes, including the Journalism Prize of the Professional Association of German Surgeons, and her 2018 debut work SPLEEN, THIS IS LIVER SPEAKING (2018) was an international success. Lucia Schmidt lives in Frankfurt am Main.