Book details

144 Pages
Publication date: March 2024
Imprint: Servus
Josef Zauner Alfred Komarek Thomas Apolt

The Sweet Zauner

Stories and Recipes from the Ischler Summer Resort

Summer freshness couldn’t be sweeter

In the countries of the Austrian monarchy and beyond, a summer without Bad Ischl was a wasted time, and a retreat without a treat at the patisserie Zauner even more so.

While salt laid the foundations for Ischl’s flourishing spa business, sugar, no less valuable therapeutically, sweetened the healthy lives of spa guests. There were more guests than ever in those years: Ischl experienced the most glamorous era in its history. Emperor Franz Joseph proposed to his Sisi here, and famous artists, writers and composers also came to Ischl. Alfred Komarek revives this cultural and social heyday, closely interwoven with the history of the Zauner confectionery.

»The recipes invite you to enjoy and bring the summer freshness of Ischl to life in a very special way.«
Das neue Freizeiträtsel


Josef Zauner

Josef Zauner, born in 1948, is master confectioner of the patisserie Zauner. He completed numerous stays in countries such as Sweden, Hungary, Israel, and Japan, among others. He teaches at the famous »Japan Cake- and Confiserie-College« and has been a guest lecturer at this school since 1988. Numerous gold medals in international competitions attest to the creativity of the Master Pastry Chef.